Greetings! I've spent a few hours on the allotment plot, and most of the grass is now cleared. I now have several huge piles of grass, waiting to be burnt. I've also cleared the goosegrass and brambles from the fences and now have a fairly clear boundary.
Coming along nicely |
I've discovered two compost heaps at the bottom of the plot, which I plan to bring back into good use. There are a few borders already marked out, and I will probably use these for herbs this year. I've also made use of a pile of aluminium sheets; these now make a nice fence. I just need to dig a couple of holes for some more fence posts and nail the sheets to the wood so they are secure. Don't want Sybil roaming onto other plots!
Vole tunnels in the grass |
The next job now is to mark out where the vegetable/flower beds and paths are going to go. There are some handy planks of wood in the greenhouse which will make a nice system of raised beds. Shouldn't be too long with the next update, if this weather holds out!